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Service Obligation
Meet Official Information

Become a USA Swimming Official

De Anza Cupertino Aquatics USA Swimming Official Development Program 

Committee Chairperson: Annie Stein #408-253-7946


Our mission is to offer opportunities for parents of DACA swimmers to receive training, service-hours credit and recognition for serving as USA Swimming Officials.

Stroke and Turn Judge, Starter, Referee and Admin Official are jobs that have been filled by Pacific Swimming parents for decades. It is important for DACA to be represented in proportion to our large membership. DACA will keep you informed of the dates and locations of upcoming training events. In just a few hours you can learn how to perform one of these vital official's tasks. And, there is a benefit reward beyond community service.


A typical 8-lane competition requires 6-12 stroke and turn, 2-3 starters, and 1-4 referees. Clearly, we cannot rely on someone else to fill these jobs considering that nearly every weekend there are 2-5 swim meets taking place in Northern California. In Zone One North (our zone), there are two or three weekends per month where our swimmers compete. Often, in order for meets to allow all participants a chance to enter, two meets are held concurrently, doubling the demand for meet officials.


DACA will keep you informed of the dates and locations of upcoming training events. In just a few hours you can learn how to perform one of these vital official's tasks. And, there is a benefit reward beyond community service.



  • Includes training and testing time (3 hrs - Credited once parent begins officiating)

  • Includes hours of deck time spent officiating at any meet DACA attends

  • Become a Level II Official and receive double hours of credit

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  • DACA reimburses you for USA-Swimming Officials membership registration

  • DACA will 100% fund Annual membership renewal.



Please contact if you are interested in more information!

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